As the effects of Climate Change are increasingly evident and felt around the world, we believe that clinicians and other healthcare workers have an opportunity to influence the conversation, educate families, and aid in addressing the issue. We already know that the effects of climate change disproportionately affect children, the poor, and people of color. We have a responsibility to the next generations and to society as a whole.
The first focus at NY CCA will be to aid NY Healthcare Institutions to meet the goals of the National Academy of Medicine’s Collaborative on Decarbonizing the Healthcare System. Our mission aligns with theirs:
Communicate the climate crisis as a public health and equity crisis.
Develop a roadmap for systems transformation.
Catalyze the health sector to reduce its climate footprint and ensure its resilience.
Accelerate research and innovation at the intersection of climate, health, and equity.
We will also post information of interest on Climate Change, Ecology, and Environmental Health to include aspects of nutrition, diet, marine biology, pesticide management, and green working and living.