Climate and Health resources for all States.
A comprehensive guide to building a Clinicians for Climate Action group in your state. This toolkit is for health professionals who seek to mobilize action on climate and health, and walks you through steps to set up an organization that is focused on climate action within a state.
Quick Start Guide for State Organizing
A quick introductory 3-page guide to building a Clinicians for Climate Action group in your state.
Launching a State Clinician Climate Action Website
This powerpoint presentation includes options and tips from the Consortium for how to build a State CCA website, as well as information on logos and mailing lists.
Create and download a graphic forecasting daily wind or solar electricity generation, customized for your state, district or county.
Developed by Climate Central.
Browse the Climate Central Gallery for high-resolution downloadable infographics on climate change data.
Yale Climate Opinion Factsheets
Based on the Yale Climate Opinion Maps, these factsheets include 22 key measures of public climate change knowledge, attitudes, policy support, and behavior for each of the 50 states, 435 congressional districts, and 3,142 counties across the US. The online tool allows you to tailor-make your own factsheet by selecting the geographic location and the specific measures you’re interested in.
Yale Climate Opinion Maps 2019
These maps show how Americans’ climate change beliefs, risk perceptions, and policy support vary at the state, congressional district, metro area, and county levels. Explore the maps by clicking on your state, congressional district, or county and compare the results across questions and with other geographic areas.
The National Solar Jobs Census 2019 is The Solar Foundation’s annual report on the size and scope of the American solar workforce. Based on a rigorous survey of solar employers, it is the most comprehensive analysis of solar labor market trends in the United States.
Preparing for the Regional Health Impacts of Climate Change in the US
A summary of health effects, resources, and adaptation examples from health departments funded by CDC’s Climate and Health Program.
U.S. Energy & Employment Report by State
The 2020 USEER is the fifth iteration of the annual energy and employment report. This section serves as a summary analysis of energy and employment data by state.